$175.00 USD

Every month

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Receiving individualized attention is a great opportunity to focus on specific areas of concern outside of the regular group class setting.

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The Huntress Group Class

Join a supportive community dedicated to cultivating strength, resilience and empowerment through comprehensive personal safety training.  Monthly subscription allows access to in-person group classes, as well as the Training Library on our Mobile App.

Mondays at 6:00pm:  All levels foundational skill development and scenario practice!

Certain Wednesdays at 5:30pm:  All levels welcome for cardio, strength and endurance training.
*Existing students will be notified of the schedule each month.

Thursdays at 12:30pm:  Intermediate/Advanced curriculum development and instructor training.
*Students will be notified when eligible to join the advanced class. 

 What You'll Learn:

👀 Awareness: Sharpen your senses and learn to recognize potential threats before they arise.

🌬️ Breathing: Harness the power of breath control to remain calm and composed in any situation

🗣️ Communication: Develop assertive communication skills to set boundaries and assert your rights confidently.

🛡️ Defense Skills: Acquire practical techniques to defend yourself effectively against various attacks.

🧠 Emotional Content: Explore the emotional aspect of self-defense, understanding how to manage fear, anxiety, anger and stress for optimal performance.

*All sales are final*

[ *Restrictions apply.   No refunds.]

What People Are Saying:

I’ve been going to this self-defense class every week for a few months now, it’s amazing every time which is why I keep going! I didn’t want to take just any martial arts because I’ve done it before and I never felt like it prepared me for real life scenarios. But Rachel’s class is exactly what I was looking for in self-defense, she teaches real life scenarios, what could happen, and what you should do. Rachel also teaches you how to find your voice to speak up in those scary situations and build confidence in yourself. Not to mention it’s an amazing work out each time, so you’re getting fit at the same time!
